Okay, so you’re probably wondering….“Where is Unscripted?”

Well, outside of the Sim world, I am an avid writer, and I want to separate that writing life from my sim writing. Only because I get super confused easily. This way, my sim life is aligned and I can bring you guys awesome stories. So, I just transferred The Avery Legacy to my sim blog.

So, I present to you my sim alter ego. — JaseiiSims

YES, it is still me Unscripted – the quirky sim writer – just in another form.

Please go check out my other sim blog @ Goff Legacy

I promise you’ll like it…or at least I hope so! 😛

Introductions are a necessity


Name: Melanie Avery

Aspiration: Bestselling Author (Fledge-linguist)

Traits: Creative, Family -Oriented, Cheerful, Muser

Melanie has always expressed herself in unique and artistic ways. It almost seemed inevitable that her talents would lead her down a path of creative pursuits. She has dreams of becoming a critically acclaimed author and will stop at nothing to achieve her dreams. To her, she’s the next literary genius ready to leave her literary mark and change the world of fiction.


Avery Saga Succession Laws

  • Equality – The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible  for the tile of heir.
  • Traditional – Children who are naturally born from the previous generation are eligible to be named heir. Adopted children are ineligible to be named heir unless there are no naturally born children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.
  • Democracy – The heir is chosen by your viewers/readers from among the pool of eligible heirs.
    • In the event that I have no viewers/readers, I will be following the Random heir selection law which the title of heir is randomly selected from the pool of eligible children.
*Rules taken from

Shall we begin?